Extreme Programming Explained – Kent Beck, Cynthia Andres

In this completely revised introduction to Extreme Programming (XP), Kent Beck describes how to improve your software development by integrating these highly desirable concepts into your daily development process. The first edition of Extreme Programming Explained is a classic. It won awards for its then-radical ideas for improving small-team development, such as having developers write automated tests for their own code and having the whole team plan weekly. Much has changed in five years. This completely rewritten second edition expands the scope of XP to teams of any size by suggesting a…

Writing Effective Use Cases – Alistair Cockburn

Use cases provide a beneficial means of project planning because they clearly show how people will ultimately use the system being designed. This guide provides software developers with a nuts-and-bolts tutorial for writing use cases. It covers introductory, intermediate, and advanced concepts, and is suitable for all knowledge levels. https://www.amazon.com/Writing-Effective-Cases-Alistair-Cockburn/dp/0201702258